Policy & Planning

Sample facilitation projects:
- Minister’s Wildlife Advisory Committee: Facilitating and providing secretariat services for a diverse province-wide group of wildlife experts, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous members. Client: BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- Sidney Island Ecological Restoration Project: Led two working groups including Indigenous, federal, provincial, community and conservation representatives in the creation of plans for deer management and forest restoration on Sidney Island. Client: Parks Canada.
- Islands Trust Conservancy Gathering for Species at Risk: Facilitated and prepared summary report for an online workshop. Client: Islands Trust Conservancy
- Squamish River Ecosystem Restoration Plan: Facilitated a series of in-person and online stakeholder meetings to discuss the Restoration Plan, prepared summaries of outcomes. Client: Squamish River Watershed Society.
- Southern Gulf Islands Forum: Facilitated in-depth discussions amongst politicians from all orders of government (federal, provincial, Indigenous, local) on topics of shared interest. Client: Islands Trust.
- Baynes Sound/Lambert Channel Marine Ecosystem Forum: Facilitated advisory group meetings and a two-day forum. Client: World Wildlife Fund and Islands Trust.
- Provincial Drought Debrief: Developed agenda, facilitated two-day workshops for provincial employees and prepared report for 2016 and 2018 drought debriefs. Client: BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group symposia: Developed agendas and facilitated multi-day workshops for local government staff and elected officials (symposia in 2017, 2013, 2012, 2010). Client: BC Ministry of Environment.
- Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystems workshops: Facilitated several multi-stakeholder workshops to promote greater understanding of the shared responsibility for the protection and management of Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystems on eastern Vancouver Island; prepared summary reports. Client: BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- Ecosystem-based Management Indicators: Facilitated multi-stakeholder workshop to provide input on ecosystem-based management indicators for the North Vancouver Island sub-region. Client: Marine Planning Partnership.
- Green Communities Committee: Facilitator for the Green Communities Committee local government working groups, gathering ideas to refresh the Climate Action Charter. Client: BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
- Food, Fuel, Fibre workshops: Organised and facilitated a series of multi-stakeholder workshops discussing an integrated approach to management of agriculture, forests and energy; prepared summary reports on outcomes. Client: BC Ministry of Agriculture.
- College of Applied Biology Nominations Committee: Supported the process to ensure a fair and transparent nominations process for the College Council (multiple years). Client: College of Applied Biology.
- Public meetings on park management plan: Facilitated a series of public meetings to gather input for a proposed management plan for the Sea to Sea Regional Park; prepared consultation summaries. Client: Capital Regional District Parks.

Sample strategic planning and policy development projects:
- Development of Strategic Plans: Worked with Board and staff members to develop strategic plans for the College of Applied Biology, Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast, Salt Spring Island Conservancy, Bike to Work Victoria, CRD Solid Waste Management Committee, Habitat Acquisition Trust, Fraser Valley Conservancy, Coastal Invasive Species Committee, Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership, and Horticulture Centre of the Pacific. Clients: various.
- Wetlands policy backgrounder for BC: Through research and interviews, prepared a report identifying challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for furthering wetland policy in BC (with Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting Ltd.). Client: BC Ministry of Environment.
- Missing Middle Housing: Led the development of policy proposals to promote social inclusion in multi-family housing, through a series of focus groups, pop-up events and an open house, in addition to online research. Client: Township of Esquimalt.
- Outreach strategy: Supported the development of an outreach strategy for the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast (MaPP). Client: MaPP.
- Grizzly Bear management consultation: Supported the analysis of input received in response to a province-wide community engagement regarding proposed changes to Grizzly Bear hunting in BC. Client: Alan Dolan & Associates and Province of BC.
- State of Environment Report for Cowichan Valley: Led team researching and writing the 2010 State of Environment Report for the Cowichan Valley region and a 2014 Update report. Client: Cowichan Valley Regional District.
- State of Environment Report for Capital Regional District: Led the development, research and writing of state of environment report (2003) and updates in 2005. Client: Capital Regional District Roundtable on the Environment.
- Urban Forest Stewardship Initiative: Co-founded a community-led initiative to develop an urban forest stewardship strategy for south Vancouver Island. Led the development of a mapping product that tracks changes to canopy cover and impervious surface cover over a 20–year time frame. Volunteer project.
- Urban Forest Management Plan: Co-wrote the City of Victoria Urban Forest Management Plan, including working with staff and citizen advisory groups and leading the public engagement process (with Gye & Associates). Client: City of Victoria.
- Solar Colwood: Led the development and implementation of the award-winning Solar Colwood program. Volunteer initiative.

Sample community engagement projects:
- North Cowichan Joint Utilities Board: Conducting community and Indigenous consultation for relocation of an effluent outfall from the Cowichan River to a marine location (with Alan Dolan & Associates). Client: Municipality of North Cowichan.
- Indigenous engagement on Official Community Plans: Led the Indigenous consultation for the development of official community plans for North Saanich, Sidney, and Central Saanich. Clients: Modus Consulting, municipalities of North Saanich, Sidney and Central Saanich.
- Emotive: Led the Emotive program on southern Vancouver Island, creating and supporting events to raise awareness of electric vehicles. Client: Fraser Basin Council and Province of BC.
- Tod Inlet SṈIDȻEȽ beach restoration project: Led development of public awareness materials for ecosystem restoration. Client: Seachange Marine Conservation Society.
- Water Management Plan public consultation: Led the public involvement process for the development of a Water Management Plan in south Cowichan communities, including creation of newsletters, response forms, media releases, materials for open houses, and summaries of public meetings. Also led the public engagement process for the Cowichan Basin Water Management Plan. Client: Cowichan Valley Regional District.
- Wetland restoration public engagement: Led a community engagement process for the Maber Flats wetland in Central Saanich. Client: Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting Ltd., District of Central Saanich.
- Community engagement on parks and trails development: Led public engagement processes for the development of trail design guidelines for the District of Saanich, a parks master plan for the District of Highlands, trail planning for Galiano Island, and plans Mount Work/Hartland mountain biking area, and a greenways plan for the City of Colwood. Clients: various.
- Community engagement on urban forest planning: Led the public engagement process for the development of the City of Victoria Urban Forest Management Plan, and a public consultation process for the development of a Tree Management Bylaw for the City of Coquitlam (with Gye & Associates). Clients: City of Victoria, City of Coquitlam.
- Wild Salmon Policy and Salmonid Enhancement Program consultations: Organised and facilitated a series of community forums/open houses throughout British Columbia. Client: Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Trans Canada Trails consultations: Organised and facilitated a series of community forums/open houses throughout British Columbia. Client: BC Land Use Coordination Office.
Sample writing projects:
- Develop with Care: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia. Lead writer, editor and designer for the original (2006) version and updates in 2012 and 2014. Also edited and designed companion documents Guidelines for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation during Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia, Guidelines for Raptor Conservation during Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia, Wetland Ways: Interim Guidelines for Wetland Protection and Conservation in British Columbia. Client: BC Ministry of Environment and BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- A Guide to Solid Waste Management Planning. Writer and editor for this guideline for regional districts on solid waste management planning. Client: BC Ministry of Environment.
- Planting our Future: A Tree Toolkit for Communities and Urban Forests: A Climate Adaptation Guide.: Co-authored documents to help local governments understand the values, issues, challenges and opportunities related to urban forests. Client: Union of BC Municipalities and BC Ministry of Community Development
- Fact sheets on some invasive plants and species at risk in Garry ok ecosystems. Wrote and coordinated design and development of some of the field manual fact sheets; the fact sheet series on Protecting Garry Oak Areas during Land Development. Contributed to the development of the Garry Oak Gardener’s Handbook. Client: Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team.
- Becoming Carbon Neutral. Wrote a guidebook for local governments on achieving carbon neutrality. Client: BC Ministry of Environment and Union of BC Municipalities.
- Well Protection Toolkit. Wrote, edited and coordinated design for a practical, step-by-step approach on how water supply system owners, communities, and local governments can develop their own well protection plan. Client: BC Ministry of Environment and BC Ministry of Health.
- Fact sheets on biosolids management. Wrote and designed a series of fact sheets and co-designed a supporting infographic. Client: BC Ministry of Environment.
- Guide to Conservation Planning in Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystems. Wrote a “quick guide” on conservation planning in Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystems. Client: Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership.
- Solar Colwood grant application. Successfully prepared an application to Natural Resources Canada for a $3.9 million grant to implement the Solar Colwood program. Client: City of Colwood.
- Green Municipal Fund Prepared a successful grant application to support the implementation of a fuel cell vehicle pilot project in the Capital Region. Client: Capital Regional District.

Sample meeting, conference and event projects:
- College of Applied Biology annual conferences. Supported College conferences, including volunteer management and program design. Client: College of Applied Biology .
- Environmental Law Conference. Organised a two-day conference for environmental lawyers, including agenda, speakers, social events. Clients: Ecojustice, West Coast Environmental Law and the University of Victoria Environmental Law Clinic.
- Water in the City conference. Organised a highly successful bi-national, multi-day conference on water in urban and rural communities, including trade show, stewardship fair, conference agenda (working with the Steering Committee), field trips and pre-conference events. Client: Capital Regional District Water Services.
- Headwaters to Deepwaters II conference: Organised a conference on the ecological health of the Saanich Inlet, including a research symposium, community stewardship fair and art show celebrating the Inlet. Clients: Peninsula Streams, Seachange Marine Conservation Society, Saanich Inlet Protection Society.
- Green Living Expo. Organised a community event with more than 30 exhibitors to showcase “green” efforts in the West Shore. Volunteer project.
- Governance for Sustainability workshop: Organised the development of a workshop for senior decision-makers and leaders from Canada and U.S. to look at ways to improve the ways in which governments support sustainability. Client: BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
- Conference on Leadership and Innovation for Urban Sustainability: Organised bi-national event for government and non-government participants. Client: BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
See also events listed under facilitation.